Water (Special Measures) Bill Labour not suporting our amendments

Dear friends
You have seen the amendments to the Water (Special Measures) Bill that were supported firstly by Lord Prem Sikka (Labour) and Baroness Jenny Jones (Green) in the Lords, and rejected; and now by Tim Farron and Charlie Marshall (Lib dem) in the committee stage – and are still being rejected.
This is the list of MPs on the Committee.
Of these, 4 came to our briefing at the HoP in December:
Amanda Hack (NW Leicester, Labour)
Catherine Fookes (Monmouthshire, Labour)
Jayne Kirkham (Truro and Falmouth, Labour)
Charlie Maynard (Witney, Lib Dem) – the WASP MP, and Charlie sponsored all our amendments into this committee
If your MP is on the Committee
(a) please can you let us know and
(b) please can you get in touch with them before the final committee meetings this week which are on Tuesday and Thursday, to lobby them to support our amendments.
We are asking that the Committee supports our amendments which in the current Bill format are as follows:
  1. The government clarify and enforce existing legislation

    1. Stop untreated sewage discharges outside Exceptional Circumstances (to comply with the 1994 act)

    2. Put failing water companies into special administration (Amend Section 12 – 14)

    3. Convict Directors that fail to address prosecutable offenses (Amend section 5-7 ).

  1. That the Water (Special Measures Bill) is further amended to:

    1. Reform the duties of Ofwat to be for clean water, conservation and reasonable bills (Amend Section 9).

    2. Prohibits  public bailout of the water industry (Amend Section 12 Modification by Secretary of State of water company’s appointment conditions etc to recover losses).

    3. Put employees and bill payers on the Boards of water companies (Addition to Section 1)

    4. Require volume monitoring on every outflow and public scrutiny of all water company self-monitoring of water quality (Amend section 3 141F Reporting on discharge from emergency overflows)

Many thanks all
Prof Becky Malby
Ilkley Clean River Group