The People’s Commission on the Water Sector launches today to review the on-going water sector crisis in England and to devise solutions. Led by four academics from UK Universities the People’s Commission is truly independent and tackles the questions not covered by the Government’s Independent Commission on the Water Sector’s Regulatory System.
Kate Bayliss of SOAS says ” Our water system is not working. Our biggest utility is in financial crisis while raw sewage spilling into our rivers and seas has become the new normal. We need to fully understand what exactly is driving these failings, and why. From here we can devise pragmatic solutions, learning from experience in the UK and abroad, to build a water system in the interests of society and the environment.“
The People’s Commission will be investigating the very best solution for our water sector so that we have a robust and resilient water system fit for now and the future. The People’s Commission is working with sector experts and drawing on international experience to offer a way to secure a water system that is commensurate with a developed country, that secures our water quality, and that ensures our supply and sewage treatment is resilient in the context of our population and climate, and where water bills deliver clean water for our rivers, lakes and seas.
Unlike the Government’s Commission, the People’s Commission will not be restricted to addressing just matters of regulation, it will be looking at international examples, alternative models of ownership, innovation in water services, and securing value for the public whilst protecting our rivers, lakes and seas.
“We need to think more boldly and creatively about alternatives to the failing system of water provision in this country. We can learn so much from experiences of other countries and experiments in different modes of governance. Armed with this knowledge we can shape a more just and sustainable water supply system fit for the challenges of the 21st century.” says Prof Cleaver
The People’s Commission will work in public, with its inquiry sessions taking place in local venues across England, hosted by local people. The Public will participate in all the sessions ensuring that those who use water services and pay for the entire water sector play a full part in the future of the water sector.
“The public is being treated as a minor stakeholder by water companies, regulators and government. We recognise that the public funds our water sector, are dependent on water services, are passionate about their local environment and have been the driving force for change in the water sector over recent years. This commission is in service to the public who want a fair water system that protects their water supply, treats their sewage and looks after their environment. ” Prof Becky Malby, Member.
Feargal Sharkey says “The industry clearly cannot be trusted, neither can the regulators. None of them have the right answers. Its time to listen to the public. Here’s your opportunity.”
The four sessions of the Commission will cover:
- International Water Systems – what works
- Resilient Water Systems – securing water systems that work for people and the environment now and into the future.
- Governance – models of ownership and regulation, and public accountability.
- Securing Public Value – financial management of the water industry
Confirmed witnesses include
Dr Anne Le Strat, previously Deputy Mayor of Paris and Chair of Eau de Paris, Prof Klaas Schwartz, Netherlands (both on international best practice), Alistair Chisholm CIWEM (freshwater future), Stanley Root Auditor (on solutions to finance), Prof David Hall (on public ownership), Feargal Sharkey OBE and Prof Catherine Waddams (on regulation), Prof Alistair Boxall (on solutions to chemical pollution), Dr Liz Sharp (on public strategies), Dr Mike Keil CCW (on water poverty) alongside experts in engineering and technical solutions, public participation in sustainable water solutions, water poverty and mutuals.
Each in-person event is hosted by a local community group and all events are in public.
Notes on The People’s Commission,
- The People’s Commission will mirror the timescales of the Government Commission reporting in Q2.
- Registration for the online international in-public event is open on The People’s Commission website
- All in person events are open for any members of the public to join.
- Evidence can be submitted in writing by the 1st May 2025 to
- All sessions are hosted by members of The Sewage Campaign Network
- The People’s Commission is being minimally funded by private donations with no connection to the water industry. The People’s Commission does not take funding from the government, regulators of the water companies. If you are willing to donate please contact us via the The People’s Commission website
- The Peoples Commission can also be found on Bluesky
The People’s Commission Contact
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in addition
Dr Kate Bayliss
Prof Frances Cleaver
Prof Becky Malby
Prof Ewan McGaughey